Exhibition of seven international projects concerning Beijing’s urban space and the effect and strategies of its changes.
A Truck Is Parked in the Grass Near a Tree in Doubt

Opening: January 17, 2020, 7 p.m.
Opening: January 17, 2020, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: January 17 – April 4
Opening Times: Wed – Sat, 1:00 – 6:00 pm
Adress: Kunstraum des Konfuzius-Instituts, Pirckheimerstraße 36, 90408 Nürnberg
An AI translating landscape images from Beijing ́s peripheries outside of China's capital. Collecting sculptures outside newly built resorts in the mountains outside of Beijing. A Truck Is Parked in the Grass Near a Tree in doubt brings together different artistic voices that investigated one of the biggest urban planning projects of current history. Leading up to the winter Olympics in 2022 Beijing is changing its peripheries into multiple centers, changing how we understand a city.
A truck is parked in the grass near a tree in doubt is showing seven, international projects working on Beijing’s urban space and the effect and strategies of its changes. Sponge Gourd Collective’s video is traveling along the infrastructure development of High-Speed Trains of the new Metropolitan area Jing-Jin-Ji, interviewing the inhabitants against a green-screen, that is projecting their future imaginations. Geocinema is taking digital infrastructure and data development for the Digital Belt and Road as a starting point to analyze China’s international investments and the change in our global geological visual data. Bringing the urban changes happening in Beijing into a global context.
Berlin filmmaker Ute Adamczewski followed two individuals working in Beijing in her video I: conditions, which observes routines: dwelling, work, leisure. Xiaofei Mo’s Nightseeing is a travelogue co-produced by the artist and POND, an AI - a “foreign object” - capable of captioning and annotating images. Mo’s work tries to develop a way of seeing from the outside, to generate a voice that can only be understood as foreign and alien. Jannis Schulze’s photography is a very personal collection of Beijing’s urban scenery. Schulze collages moments that describe a feeling of Beijing rather than stating facts.
Beijing Dystopia Collective, made out of the artist Huang Jingyuan and Songyi and the urban researcher Li Pingfei, is trying to get closer to the actual effect of urban politics and economics has, by looking at the peripheries of the city and its inhabitants. The two artists Yu Gong and Zhixuan Feng of Heavenly North will present an ice-sculpture in reference to Winter Olympic town Zhangjiakou collaging images of a Future Olympics.
A truck is parked in the grass near a tree in doubt is showing seven, international projects working on Beijing’s urban space and the effect and strategies of its changes. Sponge Gourd Collective’s video is traveling along the infrastructure development of High-Speed Trains of the new Metropolitan area Jing-Jin-Ji, interviewing the inhabitants against a green-screen, that is projecting their future imaginations. Geocinema is taking digital infrastructure and data development for the Digital Belt and Road as a starting point to analyze China’s international investments and the change in our global geological visual data. Bringing the urban changes happening in Beijing into a global context.
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