Katrin Hornek’s work playfully engages with the strange paradoxes and convergences of living in the age of the Anthropocene.
Residence: Katrin Hornek

CLIMATE LETTERS, Inkjet Poster Beijing, 2015
Katrin Hornek’s work playfully engages with the strange paradoxes and convergences of living in the age of the Anthropocene.
Both her artistic and her curatorial practice assert an understanding of the entwinement of nature and culture, implicitly arguing for more complex formulations, ones that reflect the ways in which our bodies, cultures, materials, and thoughts are all composed of the other creatures and rocks and air and water that make up our world. What Hornek highlights are the often uncomfortable juxtapositions between these things, and the ways in which we are both constituted and restrained by contemporary politics and materiality. As such, her project during the Beijing22 Residency will focus on matters concerned with the carbon-dioxide: Beijing’s pollution will serve as a departure for a performative argument, which will explore assembling methods and biochemical and cultural techniques of the carbon-dioxide-circulation.
Website: Katrin Hornek
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