Ten years after - What impact did the summer Olympics have on Beijing?
Talk #3:
Ten Years after

What impact did the summer Olympics have on Beijing?
This Talk was held on December 15th, 4 pm @ Goethe Institut Peking.
In what way does the Beijing pre and post-Olympics Beijing differ? How are events like the Olympics utilized for a Chinese urbanization model?
Our third talk in the series of Beijing22 will examine the actual impact this mega-event had in the long run. For a better understanding of future developments, the Beijing22 Talk #3 will cast a backward glance at how events like the Olympics were used to legitimize urban reforms under tremendous time constraints. Based upon the archive that Beijing22 is creating on the notion that those who do not know the past cannot understand the present, we will look at the past Olympics, their impact on the today and what can be learned for the 2022 Olympics.
Next, to two short presentations, we will give the audience a first glimpse into the project “Beijing 2022: No problem/China’s ambition for the 2022 Winter Olympics: turning cave villages into Davos”, by our first year's Beijing22 fellow Tsai Ting-I. Together with Matjaz Tancic, and Christiano Bianchi, the project documents the change along the route from the old Olympic Stadium to Chongli, Zhangjiakou, and Yanqing, which are some of the developing areas towards 2022.
Zhu Wenyi, professor of architecture and urban design,the former Dean of the School of Architecture and Design of Tsinghua University in Beijing
Pak Lei Gladys Chong, assistant professor at the department of humanities and creative writing at Hong Kong Baptist University
Tsai Ting-I, journalist
Cheng Lei, anchor of the Global Business show on CGTN
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